Fula spawnaw, lu rì’ìrtut a wìntxu nìleyn ronsrel mek letì’awpo nik.

Fula spawnaw,
lu rì’ìrtut a wìntxu nìleyn
ronsrel mek letì’awpo nik.

— cosMo@暴走P

Fula spawnaw,
lu rì’ìrtut a wìntxu nìleyn
ronsrel mek letì’awpo nik.

— Sä’ip Hatsne Mìkuä / cosMo@暴走P
Fula (fi’u-l a) The thing (subject) that
sp<awn>aw is believed
lu is
rì’ìr-tu-t reflect-er = mirror (object)
a that which
wìntxu show
nì-leyn repeat-ly
ronsrel something imagined
mek have no value
le-tì’awpo selfishness-adj
nik convenient


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