Nogomegō #chinese
Expected solvable difficulty
: experienced solvers with high Chinese or Japanese proficiency -
: most solvers with Chinese or Japanese proficiency -
: all solvers
Level design
on my brainstorming note
Hanzi breakdown
This level is fully based on a video from QuizKnock, with only some slight twists on the representation on the character components. I immediately found this video a good question to include in the puzzle once I saw the final question. The last question is a good and tricky choice of breakdown that is rather challenging to build back the original character, even for native Hanzi users.
- 木木㐅㐅石大 → 礬 3:21
changed from メ [Katakana Me] to 㐅 [Hanzi] - 冫冖心豆士欠 → 懿 5:53
changed from ワン [Katakana Wa N] to 冖冫 [Hanzi] - 厂犬鬼日月 → 魘 4:03
- 丿号米 → 粤 7:01
changed from ノ [Katakana No] to 丿 [Hanzi / Radical]
Expected thought process
Realize this question is asking to build Hanzi from the parts given (nohint+
), or find it out from keywords (keywords+
). Then either trying to look for it by total number of strokes, or look for the relevant QuizKnock video for the answer (solution+
The question name Nogomegō, is taken from the name given by Izawa Takushi in the video at 7:20 (ノゴメゴウ!!)
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