Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 14 “Uni-code”

Uni-code #unicode

Expected solvable difficulty

  • nohint+: experienced solvers
  • keywords+: most solvers

Level design

Continuing from the previous question, this one also involves new glyphs included in Unicode 13. This question makes use of the Box Sextant characters from the UK Teletext character set (G1) to construct different forms of two dimensional code. The tricky part of the question is to find a typeface that can render those relatively newly defined codepoints.


QR Code: scan


Data Matrix: fairfax_hd
Fairfax HD is a typeface that can be used to render these characters.

████▐▐▐ ▐█🬲▌▌🬝🬎🬭🬏█▌🬄🬄🬏🬎🬲🬞▐🬲🬞🬞🬲🬉🬉🬲 🬝🬷🬭🬷🬬▐🬝🬄▐██🬘🬘🬘█🬝 ███▌▌ ▌▌▐
████▐▐▐ ▐🬨🬨🬀🬺🬺 🬂🬀█🬀🬦🬹🬺 🬕▐▐🬕🬻▐🬂 🬹█ ▌🬨🬕🬕🬁🬻▌ ▐█🬨🬧🬀🬧█🬺🬓███▌▌ ▌▌▐
████▐▐▐ ▐🬷▐🬬🬲🬉🬎🬲 🬝🬲🬷🬭▐🬉█ ▐🬭🬏🬎🬘▌🬄🬞 🬲🬎🬲🬬█🬏🬬 ▐🬲🬣🬬█ █🬎🬄███▌▌ ▌▌▐
🬂🬂🬂🬂🬁🬁🬁 🬁🬂🬁🬁🬂  🬂 🬀🬂🬂🬂🬁 🬂 🬁🬂🬀 🬀🬀 🬁 🬂 🬂🬁🬂🬀🬁 🬁🬂🬁🬁🬂 🬂  🬂🬂🬂🬀🬀 🬀🬀🬁

PDF417: pdf417

████▐▐▐ ▐██🬘🬘🬘🬎█🬏█🬲▌🬎🬏🬎🬝🬭▐🬭 🬝🬷🬄🬘  🬲🬷🬞🬎🬭🬏🬬🬭▐█🬝🬘🬘▐🬎🬎 ███▌▌ ▌▌▐
████▐▐▐ ▐🬨🬨🬀🬺🬺 🬂🬀🬕🬂🬧🬹▌🬓🬀🬨▐🬕🬹🬀🬨🬦🬺🬓 🬕🬂▐🬹🬕▌🬁🬨▐█🬧🬧🬀▐🬹🬹🬓███▌▌ ▌▌▐
████▐▐▐ ▐🬲🬣🬬█ 🬎█🬄🬲🬷🬄🬝🬏▌  ▐▌ 🬘🬉🬭🬭🬬🬏🬲🬝▐🬬🬝▐🬎🬄▐🬲▌🬝█🬏🬬█🬄███▌▌ ▌▌▐
████▐▐▐ ▐█🬻▐🬨🬹🬓█ ██🬹🬧🬀🬧🬓🬓▐🬺🬹▌ 🬕█🬁▌🬕🬀🬁🬻🬀🬔🬹🬓▐█🬧🬧█🬺▐🬂 ███▌▌ ▌▌▐
████▐▐▐ ▐█🬷🬞🬎▌█🬎🬄🬲🬭🬄🬏🬎🬲🬎🬲▐🬞🬏🬣🬷🬭🬞🬄 🬝🬭█🬞 🬬🬭🬝▐🬬▐🬭█▌█🬝🬄███▌▌ ▌▌▐
🬂🬂🬂🬂🬁🬁🬁 🬁🬂🬂🬁 🬀🬂  🬂🬂 🬀 🬂 🬂🬁🬁🬀🬁🬂🬂🬁  🬀🬂🬂🬁 🬁🬂🬀🬁🬁🬁🬂🬂🬀🬂🬀 🬂🬂🬂🬀🬀 🬀🬀🬁

PDF417: this_pdf_is_not_that_pdf
This PDF is not that PDF.

Expected thought process

Decode the Base64 text to see the plain text. Render the text with appropriate font to see the two dimensional code. Scan the code to get the answer.


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