Recent plan and progress for Gy


Recently I’m working on some new features for Project Gy (very slowly). Seems it may take me some time to finish all of it, so I’m using this post to talk about my plan and progress.

Some off topic words:

In the progress of feature development , I’m using a super simplified version of Git workflow model locally, which includes a Develop branch and a Origin branch. Develop branch for features, and Origin branch is for hotfix that’s push to the server. I don’t think all the detailed branching is necessary for just an individual developer. But I would try to implement this model to Project Gy if there’s really anyone want to join me. I’m waiting for the moment, and looking forward to it. (as I’m coding alone since the very beginning…)

Okay, let’s come back. This is basically the plan so far.

  • Resource management in back-end.

    • Font management

      *   <del>Delete font</del>
      • Upload font

            *   <del>Upload and generate preview</del>
        *   <del>Migrate current font system to database based font management (Imggen)</del>
      • Background management

        • Delete
      • Upload and management
      • Migrate (Imggen)

      • signature customisation.

  • Imggen upgrade

    • Migrate font & bg to database.
    • Customize dynamic page.

      *   <del>Configuration saved as JSON in database `GY_usermeta.signature`</del>
      • Upload Bg.
      • Parameters setting page with rough preview using HTML5 Canvas & JS.

      • Inner library: parameters are delivered using array.

    • Include default image & font files in .gitignore and remove all copyright image.
    • Update main site dynamic picture design
  • Theme system?

    • /view/theme/default
    • Theme detail using manifest.json??
    • Modify all controller to fit theme system
  • Multi-language

    • urgh…
  • Social lyric media site?

    • (I hardly have any idea of it)

Just realised this is really a big project for me to do.

Before “Codename LyricG”, this would be the main project that I’m focusing on.
Maybe “LyricG” will come soon, or will it never come? Who knows?


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