Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 16 “Uni-cat”

Uni-cat #unicode

Expected solvable difficulty

  • 1sample+: experienced solvers
  • keywords+: most solvers

Level design

Following the trend of “exploiting” Unicode for level ideas, I found another property of characters in the chart – Category. Unicode broken down all their characters into 29 categories and 8 groups – Letter, Mark Number, Punctuation, Symbol, Separator, and Other. Each of the category has a two-letter acronym, for instance, uppercase letters are Lu, and currency symbols are Sc. The characters in the question are chosen from random online Unicode “font” converters websites and handpicked for a wider variety of categories.

Character Unicode Name Category
U+2202 Partial Differential Math symbol (Sm)
U+2D55 Tifinagh Letter Yarr Other letter (Lo)
ԝ U+051D Cyrillic Small Letter We Lowercase letter (Ll)
𝟺 U+1D7FA Mathematical Monospace Digit Four Decimal number (Nd)
U+2375 APL Functional Symbol Omega Other symbol (So)
𝟡 U+1D7E1 Mathematical Double-Struck Digit Nine Decimal number (Nd)
U+20A9 Won Sign Currency symbol (Sc)
𝑔 U+1D454 Mathematical Italic Small G Lowercase letter (Ll)
U+2169 Roman Numeral Ten Letter number (Nl)
U+1004 Myanmar Letter Nga Other letter (Lo)
𝘘 U+1D618 Mathematical Sans-Serif Italic Capital Q Uppercase letter (Lu)
𝒋 U+1D48B Mathematical Bold Italic Small J Lowercase letter (Ll)
U+277D Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Eight Other number (No)
U+2CA2 Coptic Capital Letter Ro Uppercase letter (Lu)
U+0FBE Tibetan Ku Ru Kha Other symbol (So)
U+0AE7 Gujarati Digit One Decimal number (Nd)
U+1D4D Modifier Letter Small G Modifier letter (Lm)
U+1963 Tai Le Letter A Other letter (Lo)
U+0F0F Tibetan Mark Tsheg Shad Other punctuation (Po)
U+30A8 Katakana Letter E Other letter (Lo)
𝖓 U+1D593 Mathematical Bold Fraktur Small N Lowercase letter (Ll)
U+0FC0 Tibetan Cantillation Sign Heavy Beat Other symbol (So)
𝒀 U+1D480 Mathematical Bold Italic Capital Y Uppercase letter (Lu)
𝚍 U+1D68D Mathematical Monospace Small D Lowercase letter (Ll)
U+217E Small Roman Numeral Five Hundred Letter number (Nl)
U+ABA4 Cherokee Small Letter Ta Lowercase letter (Ll)
U+2096 Latin Subscript Small Letter K Modifier letter (Lm)
U+2133 Script Capital M Uppercase letter (Lu)
U+1042 Myanmar Digit Two Decimal number (Nd)
U+20B2 Guarani Sign Currency symbol (Sc)
𝟷 U+1D7F7 Mathematical Monospace Digit One Decimal number (Nd)
U+230B Right Floor Close punctuation (Pc)
𝛐 U+1D6D0 Mathematical Bold Small Omicron Lowercase letter (Ll)
U+2093 Latin Subscript Small Letter X Modifier letter (Lm)
U+17F4 Khmer Symbol Lek Attak Buon Other number (No)
U+2109 Degree Fahrenheit Other symbol (So)
U+2124 Double-Struck Capital Z Uppercase letter (Lu)
U+149B Canadian Syllabics West-Cree Cwoo Other letter (Lo)
U+0BE6 Tamil Digit Zero Decimal number (Nd)
U+2478 Parenthesized Digit Five Other number (No)
U+2C63 Latin Capital Letter P With Stroke Uppercase letter (Lu)
U+100C Myanmar Letter Ttha Other letter (Lo)
Ԍ U+050C Cyrillic Capital Letter Komi Sje Uppercase letter (Lu)
U+2D59 Tifinagh Letter Yas Other letter (Lo)

Expected thought process

Realizing this question is asking for Unicode Category acronyms from samples or keywords provided, and look them up in Unicode databases.


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