Tag: TypeScript
Use WebVTT without actually using WebVTT: Another way to monitor playback progress of HTML Media Elements
in TechPreviously, I have introduced how LyricsX handled playback progress of different players, and briefly talked about how I applied its principal to web audio with a requestAnimationFrame() loop. In this article, I’ll talk about how to use WebVTT, a browser-native captioning feature to receive callbacks on specific time ranges.
Use GraphQL subscription to show progress of time-consuming operations
in TechGraphQL is feature-rich query language designed to fit majority of needs of generic online applications. The 3 main types of operations in GraphQL are query, mutation and subscription. While queries and mutations are send in HTTP requests, subscriptions are running on WebSocket, which enables it to receive updates in real time. In this article, I…
How LyricsX keeps track of progress of media players
in TechLyricsX is an open source software for macOS to download and display lyrics of current playing track on Music (previously iTunes), Spotify, Audirvana, Vox, Swinsian, or the Now Playing indicator in the OS. It gets time-tagged lyrics files from local storage or internet, and then display the lyrics in sync with the player. As a…