Black and Grey Computer Keyboard

Awesome Command Line Tools


This is a list of awesome command line tools collected by SelfhostedServer. They have provided a detailed article for each of the tools in their paid membership subscriptions. The list below is based on the list of article titles from SelfhostedServer which are freely available, and attached with a short description from each project.

If you are interested in reading more about these tools, I’d recommend you to subscribe to the articles on SelfhostedServer (in Chinese).

  1. jq is a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor.
  2. SHYAML: YAML for the command line
  3. sysdig: Linux system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers
  4. pass: the standard unix password manager
  5. tmate: Instant terminal sharing
  6. tmuxomatic: A completely different kind of tmux session manager.
  7. Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to deploy and update your applications — automate in a language that approaches plain English, using SSH, with no agents to install on remote systems.
  8. DNSDiag: DNS diagnostics and performance measurement tools
  9. Httping is like ‘ping’ but for http-requests.
  10. Netdata is distributed, real-time, performance and health monitoring for systems and applications. It is a highly-optimized monitoring agent you install on all your systems and containers.
  11. The TLDR pages are a community effort to simplify the beloved man pages with practical examples.
  12. storm is a command line tool to manage your ssh connections.
  13. Tmux Resurrect: Persists tmux environment across system restarts.
  14. Convey is a command-line tool that makes it easy to pipe between machines
  15. colout(1) — Color Up Arbitrary Command Output
  16. inxi :: a full featured system information script
  17. ttyload is a little *NIX utility meant to give a color-coded graph of load averages over time.
  18. is a free command line tool which checks a server’s service on any port for the support of TLS/SSL ciphers, protocols as well as recent cryptographic flaws and more.
  19. entr(1): Run arbitrary commands when files change
  20. is a console-oriented weather forecast service that supports various information representation methods like terminal-oriented ANSI-sequences for console HTTP clients (curl, httpie, or wget), HTML for web browsers, or PNG for graphical viewers.
  21. googler is a power tool to Google (Web & News) and Google Site Search from the command-line.
  22. cool-retro-term is a terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens.
  23. TinyTeX: A lightweight, cross-platform, portable, and easy-to-maintain LaTeX distribution based on TeX Live
  24. Onefetch is a command line tool that displays information about your Git repository directly on your terminal.
  25. DockerSlim (docker-slim): Don’t change anything in your Docker container image and minify it by up to 30× (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too. (free and open source)
  26. ProxyJump in OpenSSH (WikiBooks): […] connect to another host via one or more intermediaries so that the client can act as if the connection were direct.
  27. pscircle visualizes Linux processes in a form of radial tree.
  28. Translate Shell is a command-line translator powered by Google, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, and Apertium. It gives you easy access to one of these translation engines in your terminal.
  29. uni queries the Unicode database from the command line, with good support for emojis
  30. navi: An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
  31. asciinema is a free and open source solution for recording terminal sessions and sharing them on the web.
  32. fx: Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer
  33. The Fuck is a magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.


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