Category: Tech
Tonguess: Solver and Traffic Analysis
in TechYet another game from QuizKnock, I wrote a solver for it, and found that it wasn‘t required for a sure-win play.
Switch Galaxy Wearable Store Location using XPrivacyLua
in TechUpdate 6 July 2020: Added alternative method using Riru Location Report Enabler. Galaxy Wearable Store (GWS) is the app store for Galaxy wearable devices of Samsung. GWS is strongly region-dependent, just like other aspects of the device (you have to do some software hacking for a device purchased in one region to use Samsung Pay…
Monitor Connected Devices to an ASUS Router Using Raspberry Pi
in TechTitle should have explained it all. A simple Python script to monitor if a certain device has connected to the router via Wi-Fi, and send notifications accordingly. You can use this script for whatever purpose you want , though probably […]
Sync Tweets to a Telegram Channel Using Account Activity API
in TechYet another post that has something to do with Telegram. Yeah, I know, but there’s never such thing as too much when you talk about blog articles. A lot of people around my Telegram circle has been maintaining their own channels, and a lot of them has had a few hundreds or even thousands of…
Translate Text in Sphinx Templates and Configurations
in TechWeeks ago when I was playing around with the docs of EFB and the Crowdin translation widget, I realized that the default theme for Sphinx — Alabaster isn’t really doing well in term of translation. It seems like the author isn’t really confident on that (or simply didn’t care since 4 years ago). As the…
How to Write Integration Tests for a Telegram Bot
in TechThis is my 6th article on Telegram, the IM platform of my preference. In this article I’m going to introduce about how I wrote the integration tests for my EFB Telegram Master channel — a Telegram interface for EFB, using a userbot-like strategy. To get started, you need to have a bot ready to be…
An alternative way to prevent spammers entering Telegram Groups
in TechTelegram is a growing platform of instant messaging which has gained great popularity in the past few years. With its openness and superior user-friendliness, it has attracted a lot of users, along with spammers.