Author: Eana Hufwe
How LyricsX keeps track of progress of media players
in TechLyricsX is an open source software for macOS to download and display lyrics of current playing track on Music (previously iTunes), Spotify, Audirvana, Vox, Swinsian, or the Now Playing indicator in the OS. It gets time-tagged lyrics files from local storage or internet, and then display the lyrics in sync with the player. As a…
Tonguess: Solver and Traffic Analysis
in TechYet another game from QuizKnock, I wrote a solver for it, and found that it wasn‘t required for a sure-win play.
Why I am moving away from Disqus (totally)
in OpinionTL;DR: because their spam detection strategy is horrible.
Switch Galaxy Wearable Store Location using XPrivacyLua
in TechUpdate 6 July 2020: Added alternative method using Riru Location Report Enabler. Galaxy Wearable Store (GWS) is the app store for Galaxy wearable devices of Samsung. GWS is strongly region-dependent, just like other aspects of the device (you have to do some software hacking for a device purchased in one region to use Samsung Pay…
Monitor Connected Devices to an ASUS Router Using Raspberry Pi
in TechTitle should have explained it all. A simple Python script to monitor if a certain device has connected to the router via Wi-Fi, and send notifications accordingly. You can use this script for whatever purpose you want , though probably […]
Sync Tweets to a Telegram Channel Using Account Activity API
in TechYet another post that has something to do with Telegram. Yeah, I know, but there’s never such thing as too much when you talk about blog articles. A lot of people around my Telegram circle has been maintaining their own channels, and a lot of them has had a few hundreds or even thousands of…
Translate Text in Sphinx Templates and Configurations
in TechWeeks ago when I was playing around with the docs of EFB and the Crowdin translation widget, I realized that the default theme for Sphinx — Alabaster isn’t really doing well in term of translation. It seems like the author isn’t really confident on that (or simply didn’t care since 4 years ago). As the…
How to Write Integration Tests for a Telegram Bot
in TechThis is my 6th article on Telegram, the IM platform of my preference. In this article I’m going to introduce about how I wrote the integration tests for my EFB Telegram Master channel — a Telegram interface for EFB, using a userbot-like strategy. To get started, you need to have a bot ready to be…