Fula spawnaw, lu rì’ìrtut a wìntxu nìleyn ronsrel mek letì’awpo nik.
macOS と Android での音楽ライブラリーのカスタムソート順
音楽ライブラリにおいてのカスタムソート順は、かなりまれなニーズだとされている。 ほとんどの主要言語は表音文字を使って、その自然な並べ替えが Unicode での順序とほぼ同じである(場合によっては正規化は必要)。一方、表意文字(主に漢字)を使う言語では、Unicode での並び方が自然な並び方(通常は読み順)と異なる。これにより、Unicode コードポイント順で並べ替えられたリストがおかしいな順番たと見られ、調べづらくなる。したがって、音楽ライブラリ中のタイトル、アーティスト、アルバム名などのカスタムソート順は、これら一つ、または複数の言語で構成している場合に役に立つ。 Read more…
Simple automated interactions with Telegram Bots using MTProto (Pyrogram)
Telegram is a popular IM platform that is famous for its openness. A lot of applications are being discovered with their public Bot API and User API. Exposed as an HTTP interface, the Bot API is more popular on Telegram, but to interact with a bot, we still need to expose its User API, which […] Read more…
Write to Repeater Fields of Ultimate Fields with WordPress REST API
in TechUltimate Fields is a WordPress plugin that add custom fields to existing post types, both built-in and custom. It’s the only free plugin I found that can add a repeating field (field with arbitrary number of items. However, this plugin has not been updated for almost a year, and there’s a bug where repeater fields […] Read more…
Translate README files in reStructuredText with Sphinx
in TechreStructuredText (reST) is a markup language that is popular in the Python developers community. reST is the standard markup language for docutils, Sphinx documentation generator, and the Python Package Index (PyPI). However, reST by now is still not popular enough. Most translation platforms, including Crowdin which I’m using now for EH Forwarder Bot, have no […] Read more…
Splitting a Large Class and Multiple Inheritance in Python
in TechWhen I started refactoring EFB Telegram Master Channel (ETM) for 2.0 updates, I was investigating ways to organize code into different files in a decent manner. In this article I’d like to talk about the strategy I used, comparing to another codebase I was reading back then, itchat. Read more…
RWG: an Experiment on Semi-Automated AI (?) Agent for Genkai Shiritori Mobile
in TechFew days ago, a new game, Genkai Shiritori Mobile (GSM), was released by Baton Co., Ltd. and a web media and YouTubers team QuizKnock. Shiritori is a traditional Japanese word game where each player says a new word that starts with the last letter (or rather kana) of the previous word. Genkai Shiritori is a […] Read more…
Note: Some logistic info about my internship at Microsoft Winter 2018 ~ 2019
in RandomSome details I’d like to note down regarding my internship that I was trying to look for and found nothing useful online. Information below is as accurate as of Winter 2018 ~ 2019, at Redmond, WA. Read more…
What’s so new in EH Forwarder Bot 2 (and its modules)
in TechEH Forwarder Bot is an extensible chat tunneling framework that allow users to send and receive messages from multiple IM platforms at one stop, and ultimately manage their accounts remotely. Read more…
Obfuscate PDF Text: Scramble Copied Text with Crafted CMap
in TechNotice This does not prevent your PDF from being copied. OCR nowadays is pretty advanced. Backup your document before you do anything. The author does not encourage plagiarism in any form. Read more…