Category: Random
Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 1 “Roman”
in RandomFrom this episode, I’ll try to go through each level of the game, starting from the first one. Most of these posts would be relatively short, in a fixed format, and I might run out of introduction text to write from the next episode. Please bear with me for the next 30+ articles, and I…
Tìngäzìk: a Retrospective – ep. 0 Game Structure
in RandomTìngäzìk is a puzzle game I designed in 2020, heavily inspired by Project NANO after I solved it with my teammates. When the first team solved the puzzle, and sent me their writeup on the journey tackling it, I felt like I should also write a retrospective series of blogs reflecting on the game design,…
RYDL: Our Attempt
in RandomRYDL is a rather “classic” file-based set of puzzles composed by COL, who was from the team first solved Tìngäzìk. COL sent this puzzle to us as a response to Tìngäzìk. (Thank you, COL!) The puzzle is a zip archive containing 6 PNG image files with the first one being an instruction page for the…